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operational and administrative中文是什么意思

用"operational and administrative"造句"operational and administrative"怎么读"operational and administrative" in a sentence


  • 业务和行政资料


  • Most application developers store event data in the application database to take advantage of operational and administrative efficiencies
  • " contract management of joint venture enterprise " refers to circumstances whereby , after the signing of a contractual management contract between a joint venture enterprise and a contractor , all or part of the operational and administrative rights of the enterprise are transferred to the contractor for a specified period within which the said contractor is responsible for the operations and administration of the enterprise
  • Second , based on the characteristic of the receiving water studied in this paper , develope a dynamic one - dimension water quality model for nanbei river in zhangcha town of foshan city , and develope a program of water quality model based fortran powerstation . and then , calculate the concentration of codcr in receiving water using the simulation results of swmm and analyze the effect on the environment of receiving water by intercepting ratio . at last , the construction investment and operational and administrative expenses of intercepting trunk sewer 、 pumping station and sewage farm is calculated and the relation between them is discussed
用"operational and administrative"造句  
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